

An Introduction to the Art of Millinery

Sherry’s Journey’ will be featured through her first presentation ‘Talk’ and will outline how Sherry became interested in millinery.

Millinery has always been and remains to this day a ‘passion’ in her life.  Sherry will explore the development of her ideas and will show you some of her hat creations.

The talk will also look at the impact of hats on society through history and  the wearing and designing of hats will be featured. Millinery skills involved in both these areas will be discussed and illustrated.

Sherry is still fascinated by the influence of hats on society and of the millinery skills involved so will explore each of these topics in greater detail during the talk.

Some of the ‘ Talks’ enjoyed – see pictures below:


Clayton, Derby Embroiderers Guild, Shireoaks, Barnsley WI,  Bankfield Museum

To Book a ‘Talk’ email Sherry: